VI Peel Precision Plus

What Does the VI Peel Do?

This medium-depth chemical peel is an in-office treatment that causes the outer layers of skin to peel off, clearing away damage to minimize hyperpigmentation and signs of aging.

What Can a VI Peel Treat?

  • Sun damage
  • Melasma
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone & texture

Why VI Peel Precision Plus?

  • Minimal discomfort and downtime
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Results within one week
  • Long-lasting benefits

Chemical peels are a popular skin rejuvenation option. It involves using a chemical solution to slough off the top layers of damaged skin, reducing damage, pigmentation, and signs of aging. Since there are dozens of formulas and strengths to choose from, it’s a customizable treatment that almost anyone can benefit from.

Coolspa offers the popular VI Peel Precision Plus by Vitality Institute Aesthetics. This medical-grade, in-office treatment is a medium chemical peel that balances effectiveness with convenience. We can help you dramatically improve your skin tone and texture with this non-invasive treatment

Learn More About VI Peel Work

VI Peel Precision Plus has a powerful formula, including salicylic acid, phenol, TCA, and more. This makes it suitable for targeting various skin concerns, particularly hyperpigmentation issues. To perform this peel, your Coolspa provider will apply the chemical solution to your skin during a short in-office treatment. You’ll leave it to absorb for a few hours. The VI Peel formula will deeply exfoliate your skin, causing the outer layers to slough off over the next few days.

As the damaged surface layers of skin peel away, patients see a brighter, clearer complexion emerge. This resurfacing process removes texture and pigmentation concerns while promoting cellular turnover and increased collagen production.

Before your treatment, we’ll discuss how to prepare your skin for the peel. You may need to stop using certain skincare products like retinol and acids and avoid waxing or laser hair removal.

Your VI Peel will be a quick, easy in-office treatment that will likely take 30 minutes or less. After cleansing your skin, we will apply the VI Peel solution in several layers with a cotton tip applicator or brush. Patients may feel some tingling at first but little to no discomfort. Your skin may “frost” or turn white in some areas.

After this quick application, patients go home with the solution still on their skin. We’ll instruct you to rinse it off in a few hours.

Immediately after your VI Peel, your skin may look darker as pigmentation comes to the surface. You can wear makeup if needed for the first day or two before your skin begins peeling. The skin typically begins to peel three days after treatment and may take about a week to fully resolve.

Though you can resume all your regular activities immediately after a VI chemical peel, many patients take a few days of social downtime while their skin is peeling. Don’t pick at your skin during this time. Instead, use a moisturizer or ointment like Vaseline during recovery.

Your skin may be a little red after the peeling process. It will be especially sensitive as it heals, so avoid sun exposure and wear high-quality sunscreen.

Patients can expect to see their results in approximately one week. We may recommend a series of treatments for optimal benefits. The VI Peel Precision Plus can improve your skin’s health and appearance in several ways. Benefits of the VI Peel include:

  • An anti-aging effect that minimizes fine lines
  • Triggers collagen production for smoother, firmer skin
  • Clears away surface damage for a more even skin tone and texture
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation, including dark spots and melasma
  • Helps reverse sun damage
  • May improve acne and acne scars

Chemical peels are beneficial for many different complexion concerns. The VI Peel is safe for all skin types and tones. For many patients, a medium-depth chemical peel like the VI Peel is the perfect balance of intensity and simplicity, with no needles or anesthesia but still noticeable results.

One of our experienced providers at Coolspa will assess your skin and goals during a detailed consultation to help you determine if the VI Peel is right for you. We’ll create a customized treatment plan, discussing how many peels you may need and how often maintenance treatments may be necessary. If necessary, we can recommend alternative skin rejuvenation options like Morpheus8 microneedling or HydraFacial®.

Coolspa is proud to be the leading provider of popular treatments like CoolSculpting® and miraDry® in NYC. No matter what treatment you receive from us, you can expect the same level of care and expertise. Our experienced providers take a personalized approach to every patient’s needs. We take the time to thoroughly evaluate your case so we can recommend the best treatment option and tailor it to your condition, goals, and preferences.

Take the
Next Step

Your Coolspa journey begins with a private, one-on-one consultation with one of our Facial and Body contouring specialists, who will deliver a detailed, customized treatment plan that addresses all of your areas of concern. Our specialists pride themselves on carefully listening to the goals and wishes of each client, and we prize communication among our practice’s most cherished assets. 

If you would like to learn more about the VI Peel and the cutting-edge procedures offered at Manhattan’s premier facial and body contouring practice, contact Coolspa today by calling (212) 535-COOL (2665) or sending our team a message here.

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