CoolSculpting® for Double Chin

Are you struggling with a bothersome double chin or submental fat that just won’t budge despite your efforts with diet and exercise? Perhaps it’s time to explore the incredible benefits of CoolSculpting® for the chin and neck! This cutting-edge, non-invasive procedure employs controlled cooling technology to target and eliminate unwanted fat cells, leaving you with a more sculpted and refined appearance.

At Coolspa, our highly skilled professionals specialize in CoolSculpting® and CoolSculpting® Elite, including treatments for tricky areas like under the chin. As the leading provider of this innovative body contouring treatment in New York, we are committed to helping you achieve your desired results with precision and utmost care. Bid farewell to that persistent double chin and say hello to newfound confidence with CoolSculpting® for the chin and neck at Coolspa.

CoolSculpting® Results
for Double Chin

Before After
Before After

*Individual results may vary.

Learn More About CoolSculpting® for Submental Fat

Feeling self-conscious about the appearance of excess fat beneath the chin is a common experience, even for those who maintain a healthy weight. Submental fat can create a double chin and an undefined jawline. While this surplus fat may not pose a health risk, it can affect your self-esteem.

Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise are effective strategies for overall body toning and fat reduction. Nevertheless, addressing specific areas of fat, like the double chin, can be challenging through conventional methods. Submental fat can be especially tough to shed because it can’t be targeted with workouts. Even a small amount of submental fat can create the dreaded double chin. Consequently, even slim, healthy individuals might be frustrated by localized fat under the chin.

This is where CoolSculpting® can make a significant difference. While it’s essential to emphasize that no treatment can replace a healthy lifestyle and weight management, CoolSculpting® can help individuals who are close to their ideal weight and struggle with localized fat deposits. It can help you achieve a more slender and well-defined appearance in areas such as the neck and jawline.

CoolSculpting® represents a breakthrough non-invasive solution for body sculpting and fat reduction. Different applicators can be used to target specific fat deposits, such as submental fat. This FDA-approved technology employs a process that crystallizes fat cells while leaving surrounding tissues untouched. Over time, your body naturally eliminates the damaged cells, reducing fat. CoolSculpting® offers up to 25% fat reduction in the treated area. Most patients attain their desired outcomes with only two or three treatment sessions.

At Coolspa, we aim to provide the most convenient and efficient CoolSculpting® experience in New York City. We boast multiple CoolSculpting® machines and utilize the advanced CoolSculpting® Elite technology with dual applicators, allowing us to target multiple body areas concurrently. You can opt for CoolSculpting® to address excess fat in nearly any region of the body, from belly fat to flabby arms, ensuring a comprehensive solution for your body contouring goals.

A CoolSculpting® session is a quick and effortless experience. Typically, the procedure lasts an hour or less, depending on the size of the treatment area. Your dedicated Coolspa team will expertly apply the CoolSculpting® applicators to the areas you wish to treat. You may initially feel pressure and intense cold as the treatment begins. However, within a few minutes, the area becomes comfortably numb, making the procedure virtually painless. During the session, patients can simply relax and read, use their phones, work, or stream any number of movies and shows. 

What distinguishes CoolSculpting® from conventional fat reduction methods like liposuction is its non-invasive nature, requiring no post-treatment recovery time. Following a CoolSculpting® session, you can immediately resume your daily routine without disruption. Some minor discomfort, such as temporary redness, swelling, or soreness, may occur. These effects are mild and generally subside within a few days, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your treatment without downtime.

Take the
Next Step

Your Coolspa journey begins with a private, one-on-one consultation with one of our body contouring specialists, who will deliver a detailed, customized treatment plan that addresses all of your areas of concern. Our specialists pride themselves on carefully listening to the goals and wishes of each client, and we prize communication among our practice’s most cherished assets. 

If you have questions about CoolSculpting® and the cutting-edge procedures offered at our state-of-the-art Manhattan location, contact Coolspa today by calling (212) 535-COOL (2665) or sending our team a message here.

Ready to book a consultation or treatment? Just click the Book Now button below to schedule online.