CoolSculpting® for Buttocks

Are you frustrated with stubborn butt fat that seems resistant to all your efforts, from exercise to a balanced diet? Say goodbye to unwanted gluteal fat with CoolSculpting® for the buttocks. This innovative, non-invasive procedure freezes and eliminates fat cells in the targeted area, leaving you with a more sculpted and toned backside.

At Coolspa, our team of specialists is highly skilled and well-versed in performing CoolSculpting® and CoolSculpting® Elite treatments for the whole body. We take pride in being the leading provider of this state-of-the-art fat reduction solution in New York City.

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Buttocks Results

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*Individual results may vary.

Learn More About CoolSculpting® for the Buttocks

Many individuals struggle with stubborn fat in their buttocks area, even if they’ve successfully shed excess weight elsewhere on their bodies. Even those who maintain a healthy weight and appear otherwise slim may struggle with small areas of localized fat, like the buttocks.

The approach to reducing buttock fat mirrors that of weight loss in other areas: adopting a healthy lifestyle involving exercise and a balanced diet. Nevertheless, these efforts sometimes fall short of producing the desired outcomes. It’s possible to reach your target weight and still contend with persistent fat in your buttocks, preventing you from achieving a slim and toned figure. 

Alternatively, you might discover that your diligent gym efforts aren’t visibly paying off because a layer of stubborn fat conceals your well-developed glutes. If you’ve triumphed over buttock fat, we also offer CoolTone® to help you attain that sculpted, athletic physique.

It’s important to note that no treatment can substitute for a healthy lifestyle and effective weight management. However, for individuals at a healthy weight looking to address localized pockets of stubborn fat, CoolSculpting® can help.

CoolSculpting® is an effective solution for reducing stubborn buttock fat. This includes “banana rolls” and the flanks, often referred to as “love handles.” As the leading destination for CoolSculpting® in New York City, Coolspa has multiple state-of-the-art machines and the advanced CoolSculpting® Elite technology, ensuring faster and more efficient treatment. You can even target multiple areas simultaneously, such as the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen.

CoolSculpting® relies on cutting-edge cryolipolysis technology to eliminate fat, and it is very effective for treating the buttocks. The device ensures that surrounding muscles and skin remain unharmed by safely crystallizing unwanted fat cells at a temperature lower than that which affects other tissues. Your body subsequently expels these damaged fat cells, resulting in fat reduction of up to 25% in the treated area.

To achieve optimal results, we may recommend two or three sessions. You can anticipate seeing the full benefits within four months; these improvements are usually permanent as long as you maintain a stable weight.

A CoolSculpting® session is quick and straightforward. Depending on the size of the target area, it typically takes an hour or less. The skilled team at Coolspa will carefully position the CoolSculpting® applicator on your buttocks, ensuring precise targeting of unwanted fat. At the outset, you may experience a sensation of pressure and intense cold. The area becomes numb within a few minutes, making the treatment painless. Many patients use this time to read, watch TV, or even take a short nap.

What sets CoolSculpting® apart as a leading body contouring treatment is that it’s non-invasive and has no downtime. After your CoolSculpting® session, you can immediately return to your regular activities. Side effects are minimal, such as minor redness, swelling, or soreness, and they typically resolve within a few days.

Take the
Next Step

Your Coolspa journey begins with a private, one-on-one consultation with one of our body contouring specialists, who will deliver a detailed, customized treatment plan that addresses all of your areas of concern. Our specialists pride themselves on carefully listening to the goals and wishes of each client, and we prize communication among our practice’s most cherished assets. 

If you have questions about CoolSculpting® and the cutting-edge procedures offered at our state-of-the-art Manhattan location, contact Coolspa today by calling (212) 535-COOL (2665) or sending our team a message here.

Ready to book a consultation or treatment? Just click the Book Now button below to schedule online.